Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You Don't Even Know!!!

I'm feel so.... free right now.... you want to know why... because I just listened to Skillet!!!
I have not listened to music for the past 2 weeks except for some "rap crap" as I like to call it (which Brooklyn, 1 of the girls on the basketball team, says to me all the time b/c that's what I called it "rap crap" b/c all "Good music is like candy, the rappers need to be thrown away.) lol. I listened to "rap crap" for about 2 minutes on our way to Head Quarters for Word Of Life for basketball practice.
So when my friend Tara drove me, Tricia and Shannon to Dollar General tonight she played Skillet and OMYGOODNESS!!!!! I was like revived.... the song is called "Monster" and just the drums, the guitar, the bass, just the EVERYTHING!!! It was AMAZING!!! God truly is good for creating music!!!!!!!!!! I closed my eyes and just rocked my head to the music it was so good!!!!! You have NO idea, what I feel like right now, I feel ........ like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. so yeah.. lol
I hope I get this Christian Principals thing right so I can listen to music whenever I want!!!!!!!
So that's my little rant on how amazing music is!!!!!
Sorry it was really random. lol.

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