Saturday, November 14, 2009

Almost Vacation

It's almost Thanksgiving break!!! I've got just over a week left.. we leave on the 25th and I have to come back the 29th for basketball, which I'm excited about because the boy I'm "crushing on" (yeah that's what we'll call it) is the manager for the boys basketball team (I'm the manager for the girls) and that means that I'm more likely to run into him! =) I'm such a creeper lol !
Anyway, my birthday is on the 28th, yay! I'll be 20!! I'm overwhelmed with joy!
My roommates have officially left for Florida, therefore I am now alone!! (i'm slightly excited about this but, I'm scared of the dark!) Now its just me, Shannon, Amber, Jessica, and Timbo! We're the final 5!
Lately I've been in a lot of pain because of my back and I haven't been able to do much, so yesterday Lydia the other manager for the girls team took me to the clinic in Warrensburg and they gave me hydrocodone and a muscle relaxer, which combining the two helps ALOT!!
So since school is almost out we have to clean the dorm, basically scrub it down top to bottom! but since my roomies are in Florida I have to do most of it.. therefore.... I have started now!!
well I suppose I should get back to my cleaning and Shannon!
Stephanie Patrick