Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I've only been here for 2 weeks and 5 days but I love it already!!! The dorms are named after countries where Word of Life has Ministries, I was in England for 2 weeks but then they moved me to my permanent BI (Bible Institute) Dorm which is North America (go figure, I wanted to be in Sydney). But anyway, my room is like 1/2 the size of the other rooms, there are 2 bunk beds (4 beds for those of you who can't do math). And I'm going to have 2 room mates, Kim and Jenna. I've met Kim but not Jenna. My room has a slanted ceiling which is AMAZING!! I can't wait to get all my stuff here so I can decorate and make it more like home. ANYWAY.... the girls here are so awesome, their not like normal college kids they care about one another and their growth with God. I'm a little farther away from home than I'm use to but, I'm not finding that difficult. I'm trying out for the Basketball team, there are only 12 girls trying out and he's been known to keep 10-12, So I'm praying that I'll make the team, but if I don't its ok, that just means God has other plans for me.

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